
On Being a Basic Bitch

A basic bitch is one of the most unattractive names you can call a girl. It's associated with being so average, others actually feel bad for those burdened with the title of being one. Your typical "basic bitch" gets excited about popular culture and is surprised about that BuzzFeed article that ripped off last week's Reddit post. They appear to be the last to find out about the latest trends and it's nearly impossible to hold a decent conversation with them without wanting to gauge out your eyeballs...right?

Maybe not. We need to re-evaluate this entire basic bitch name-calling epidemic. First of all, calling someone a basic bitch starts with an (unhealthy) egotistical mindset. Thinking your lifestyle makes you any better than that girl carrying a Rebecca Minkoff bag and wearing a Michael Kors watch is absolutely ridiculous and inaccurate. I'm pretty sure reading Refinery 29 and brunching at Jack's Wife Freda doesn't qualify you as being any different. 

It's totally okay to seek a life that's interesting and better than what you feel is average. In fact, I encourage it. The more power to you if you feel happy in your career, travel schedule, or the new city you live in. But why is it necessary to use them all as bragging rights to prove you're not some basic girl who still lives in your home town? Bravo, you've accomplished a happy life. But does that really make you unique? Not necessarily.

This narcissistic way of thinking isn't surprising considering the selfie-nation we live in. I mean, we all know those people who suffer from obsessive compulsive selfie disorder. But after the third mirror picture you've taken today, what do you think you're contributing to the world of social media? I digress. I don't see any harm in showing everyone your Whole Foods dinner and bo$$ ass new watch, but using that as ammunition to make someone else feel inferior is immature and incredibly sad.

We live in a world where we have eyes on each other all of the time. It's a constant competition for recognition. I'm not sure if we can ever change that, but we must learn to adapt and realize the negative connotation towards being basic is entirely ass backwards.

I don't think it's until you find out who you truly are that you see that it's perfectly acceptable to be "basic". I'm content with being who I am, where I am, and what I do. And you should be too. When you love yourself for who you are inside (& out), it doesn't really matter that you spend your Friday nights marathoning through an entire season of House of Cards on the couch.

The truth is, we all live different lives. It's time we learn to accept it.

xo, Cee

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this article in Leandras comments in response to me! I completely agree with everything you said here. I'm surprized this hasn't been shot down more. It's basically BULLYING. And so many people in the fashion industry and everywhere else use it like it doesn't mean a thing.
